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Through these unprecedented times, OTTO Construction Group is committed to continually adapting and progressing to ensure our team, sites and clients are kept safe, along with the surrounding community. As a company, OTTO has just completed some milestone projects, along with a number of projects still in progress with all the Stage 4 Covid-19 measures in place.

11th of August 2020


Coronavirus is a rapidly evolving situation that is impacting on us all and OTTO Construction Group has been working to evolve with it, to protect the health, well-being and safety of our people, our clients, our subcontractors and the wider community - all under the strict Victorian Guidelines in response to the Stage 4 Lockdown. 

OTTO’s construction sites remain open to ensure that we can continue to deliver our projects. However, we have changed the way that we work, by: ​

  • Covid-19 Safe Plan enforced at each site, including subcontractors

  • Having our office-based workforce permanently working from home with Head Office now being closed.

  • Reduction of each worksite to fall below Victorian Guidelines, resulting in significantly reduced tradespeople on site.

  • Stringent temperature checks for all people before entering sites

  • Government permits for all workers to allow legal travel to and from work

  • Every site has a designated OH&S COVID-19 manager

  • Reduced number of workers on site in line with the Victorian Guidelines, resulting in significantly reduced tradespeople on site.

  • Implementation of designated daily work zones for Subcontractors to ensure social distancing and help with covid tracking should it be required.

  • Continuation of mandatory masks

  • Continuation of staggered shifts and lunch times on sites, to ensure that social distancing measures are met

  • Implementing a touch free site sign in process, where workers scan a QR code with their personal mobile phones to sign in and out of sites

  • Utilisation of video meetings

  • All work and amenities areas on site and in the office are clearly marked out to ensure social distancing rules are followed.

  • Under no circumstances is worker, be OTTO staff or subcontractors, to attend site if presenting with any symptoms and are instructed to get tested and isolate.

  OTTO has also implemented the following Healthy and Safety management procedures to reduce the risk of Coronavirus on our sites and in our offices:

  • Clear COVID-19 signage on all sites and office's outlining hygiene and social distancing requirements

  • Ongoing communication with all employees and trades regarding COVID-19 safety practices including maintaining social distancing, hygiene standards and that they are to remain home should they present with any COVID-19 symptoms.

  • Reinforcing that it is everyone’s responsibility and duty of care to report any possible close contact with a person with COVID-19, including in the office or on site.

  • Increasing our office and site daily cleaning programs 

  • Providing hand sanitizer and masks in the office and on all sites.


OTTO Site Covid-19 Safe Plans are easily accessible to our clients, subcontractors and employees via the documents folder in our online Hammertech system or the hard copy that is kept on site.

OTTO are committed to our clients, our subcontractors and supporting the building & construction industry during these unprecedented times. And we will continually follow the advice from the government and the building industry, as we are committed to protecting the health and safety of our teams and the community.

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